Prof. Dr. Jutta Winsemann

30167 Hannover

Key points in research and teaching
- Quaternary Geology
- Clastic Sedimentology
- Basin analysis / Basin modelling / Basin dynamics
- Sedimentation dynamics of supercritical flows
- Sedimentation dynamics of glacial and periglacial deposition systems
- Intraplate tectonics and postglacial reactivation of faults
- Salt tectonics, dynamics of salt rim synclines
- Geodynamics of active continental margins and fold- and thrust-fault belts
Curriculum vitae
Academic career
2017 - 2021
Member of the Senate’s Commission for Responsible Research, Leibniz University Hannover2015 - 2020
Member of the Grants Committee on Research Training Groups (German Research Foundation DFG)2011 - 2017
Deputy member of the Senate’s Commission for Equal Opportunities, Leibniz University Hannover2010 - 2012
Executive Director of the Institute of Geology, Leibniz University Hannover2007 - 2011
Member of the University Council, Leibniz University Hannover2005 - 2011
Member of the Senate, Leibniz University Hannover2005 - 2007
Member of the advisory board for the mentoring programme in academia and business, Leibniz University Hannover2003 - 2005
Dean of the Faculty for Geosciences and Geography, Leibniz University Hannover1997 - 2007
Executive Director of the Institute of Geology, Leibniz University Hannoversince 1995
Professor for Geology, Leibniz University Hannover1993 - 1995
Assistant Professor (C1), University of Hamburg1992 - 1993
Project Manager, HUT Hannover Umwelttechnik GmbH, Walldorf1989 - 1991
Research assistant, University of Stuttgart1988 - 1989
Research assistant, University of Mainz1986 - 1988
Research assistant, Technical University of Berlin1984 - 1986
DAAD Research Fellow, University of Costa Rica -
University degrees
Habilitation degree (venia legendi for Geology), University of Hamburg1992
Doctoral degree (Dr. rer. nat.), University of Stuttgart1984
Diploma degree in Geology and Palaeontology, Technical University of Berlin -
Best dissertation award, University of Stuttgart1984 - 1986
DAAD scholarship for Costa Rica