List of Publications Prof. Dr. Jutta Winsemann
Showing results 51 - 60 out of 82
Brandes C, Winsemann J. Fluidization and liquefaction structures in north-west germany caused by weichselian late glacial seismicity. In 74th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2012 Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012: Responsibly Securing Natural Resources. European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE. 2012. p. 4211-4215. (74th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2012 Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012: Responsibly Securing Natural Resources). doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.20148607
Brandes C, Polom U, Winsemann J. Integrating high-resolution shear wave seismics and outcrop data: A case study from northern Germany. 2012. Paper presented at 74th EAGE Conference and Exhibition Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark. doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.20149860
Lang J, Dixon RJ, Le Heron DP, Winsemann J. Depositional architecture and sequence stratigraphic correlation of Upper Ordovician glaciogenic deposits, Illizi Basin, Algeria. Geological Society Special Publication. 2012;368(1):293-317. doi: 10.1144/SP368.1
Lang J, Winsemann J, Steinmetz D, Polom U, Pollok L, Böhner U et al. The Pleistocene of Schöningen, Germany: A complex tunnel valley fill revealed from 3D subsurface modelling and shear wave seismics. Quaternary science reviews. 2012 Apr 16;39:86-105. doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.02.009
Roskosch J, Tsukamoto S, Meinsen J, Frechen M, Winsemann J. Luminescence dating of an Upper Pleistocene alluvial fan and aeolian sandsheet complex: The Senne in the Münsterland Embayment, NW Germany. Quaternary geochronology. 2012 Jul;10:94-101. doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2012.02.012
Winsemann J, Pollok L, Polom U, Brandes C. Depositional architecture of Glacigenic regressive deltas. In 74th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2012 Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012: Responsibly Securing Natural Resources. European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, EAGE. 2012. p. 5276-5280. (74th European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers Conference and Exhibition 2012 Incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012: Responsibly Securing Natural Resources). doi: 10.3997/2214-4609.20148693
Brandes C, Polom U, Winsemann J. Reactivation of basement faults: Interplay of ice-sheet advance, glacial lake formation and sediment loading. Basin research. 2011 Feb;23(1):53-64. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2010.00468.x
Meinsen J, Winsemann J, Weitkamp A, Landmeyer N, Lenz A, Dölling M. Middle Pleistocene (Saalian) lake outburst floods in the Münsterland Embayment (NW Germany): Impacts and magnitudes. Quaternary science reviews. 2011 Sept;30(19-20):2597-2625. doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2011.05.014
Winsemann J, Brandes C, Polom U, Weber C. Faziesarchitektur und paläogeographische Bedeutung mittelpleistozäner glazilakustriner Eisrandsysteme in Nordwest- Deutschland: ein synoptischer Überblick. E & G Quaternary Science Journal. 2011 Jul 19;60(2-3):212-235. doi: 10.3285/eg.60.2-3.01
Winsemann J, Brandes C, Polom U. Response of a proglacial delta to rapid high-amplitude lake-level change: An integration of outcrop data and high-resolution shear wave seismics. Basin research. 2011 Feb;23(1):22-52. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2010.00465.x