List of Publications Prof. Dr. Stephan Peth

Showing results 191 - 200 out of 262


Zhao, Y., Peth, S., Wang, X. Y., Lin, H., & Horn, R. (2010). Controls of surface soil moisture spatial patterns and their temporal stability in a semi-arid steppe. Hydrological processes, 24(18), 2507-2519.
Zhao, Y., Peth, S., Horn, R., Krümmelbein, J., Ketzer, B., Gao, Y., Doerner, J., Bernhofer, C., & Peng, X. (2010). Modeling grazing effects on coupled water and heat fluxes in Inner Mongolia grassland. Soil and Tillage Research, 109(2), 75-86.


Giese, M., Gao, Y. Z., Zhao, Y., Pan, Q., Lin, S., Peth, S., & Brueck, H. (2009). Effects of grazing and rainfall variability on root and shoot decomposition in a semi-arid grassland. Applied soil ecology, 41(1), 8-18.
Horn, R., & Peth, S. (2009). Soil structure formation and management effects on gas emission. BIOLOGIA, 64(3), 449-453.
Krümmelbein, J., Peth, S., Zhao, Y., & Horn, R. (2009). Grazing-induced alterations of soil hydraulic properties and functions in inner Mongolia, PR China. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 172(6), 769-776.
McKenzie, B. M., Kühner, S., MacKenzie, K., Peth, S., & Horn, R. (2009). Soil compaction by uniaxial loading and the survival of the earthworm Aporrectodea caliginosa. Soil and Tillage Research, 104(2), 320-323.
Peth, S., Horn, R., Gebhardt, S., & Fleige, H. (2009). Bodengefügebildung und Bodendeformation als limitierende Prozesse bei der Flussmodellierung. Abstract from DBG Jahrestagung 2009, Germany.
Peth, S., Reszkowska, A., & Horn, R. (2009). Cyclic Compressibility Of Grassland Soils as Affected by Grazing In Inner Mongolia, China. In ISTRO 18th Triennial Conference Proceedings (pp. T4-024-1-13)
Peth, S., Nellesen, J., Beckmann, F., & Horn, R. (2009). Dynamics of Soil Pore Networks Investigated by X-Ray Microtomography. In Footprints in the Landscape: Sustainability through Plant and Soil Science
Peth, S., Horn, R., & Rostek, J. (2009). Dynamische Deformationsprozesse in landwirtschaftlich genutzten Böden. Abstract from DBG Jahrestagung 2009, Germany.