List of Publications Prof. Dr. Stephan Peth

Showing results 251 - 260 out of 262


Peth, S., & Horn, R. (2005). The mechanical behaviour of structured and homogenised soils under cyclic loading. In Geophysical Research Abstracts (Vol. 7)


Peth, S., Markgraf, W., & Horn, R. (2004). An Introduction to Rheometry in Soil Mechanics: Structural Behaviour of Bentonite depending on Salt Concentration and Water Content. In Proceedings of the Eurosoil
Peth, S., Horn, R., & Bölter, M. (2004). Bedeutung der Vegetationsschädigung bei der Rentierweidewirtschaft für den Wasser- und Wärmehaushalt von Tundrenböden. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 103, 151-152.
Peth, S., & Horn, R. (2004). Impacts of Grazing on Soil Physical Properties as a Result of Reindeer Herding in Northern Scandinavia. In Mitteilungen zur Kieler Polarforschung (Vol. 20, pp. 25-38)
Peth, S., & Horn, R. (2004). Impacts of Grazing on Soil Physical Properties as a Result of Reindeer Herding in Northern Scandinavia (Workpackage 9.1). Mitteilungen zur Kieler Polarforschung, (20), 25-38.
Peth, S., & Horn, R. (2004). The Mechanical Behaviour of Soils under Cyclic Loading - Implications for Soil Deformation and Stress Distribution. In Proceedings of the Eurosoil (pp. 101-101)
Peth, S., & Horn, R. (2004). Zur Abschätzung von Bodenspannungen unter landwirtschaftlichen Nutzfahrzeugen. Landtechnik, 59(5), 268-269.


Peth, S., Horn, R., & Bölter, M. (2003). Einfluss der Trittbelastung von Böden auf hydraulische Leitfunktionen am Beispiel von borealen Wald- und Tundrenstandorten. Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 101, 33-34.
Peth, S., Horn, R., & Bölter, M. (2003). Impacts of Grazing on Soil Structure, Water Infiltration and Soil Heat Flow as a Result of Reindeer Herding in Northern Scandinavia. In Proceedings of the 16th ISTRO Conference on Soil Management for Sustainability (pp. 911-917)
Peth, S., & Stange, F. (2003). Modelling the Influence of Hydraulic Stress on Soil Deformation and Hydraulic Properties. In Proceedings of the 16th ISTRO Conference on Soil Management for Sustainability (pp. 1192-1198)